Former Kerala Blasters players Iain Hume and Michale Chopra took to Twitter to slam the Kochi-based Indian Super League side with the club releasing Sandesh Jhingan after 6 seasons. Sandesh Jhingan was the captain of the club.
Sandesh Jhingan played 76 games for the Blasters since 2014 and will be leaving back a lasting legacy at the club. Jhingan's tenure at Kerala Blasters brought him to the limelight and he was arguably the most popular name among the Kerala Blasters faithful.
Sandesh Jhingan failed to play a single game for the Blasters in the 2019-20 season due to an injury and was seen as a financial strain on the club. Kerala Blasters are under considerable economic pressure and have been asking top players to take wage cuts in order to sustain themselves financially. Tiri was the first player to seek a release due to 40% wage cuts and Jhingan's release from Kerala Blasters seem to be on similar grounds. Jhingan's contract at Kerala Blasters was supposed to expire at the end of the 2022-23 season.
Hume and Chopra expressed their displeasure at the early exit of Jhingan and cited lack of professionalism and dearth of man-management skills from the ISL side.
Sandesh Jhingan exit opens can of worms
Iain Hume and Michael Chopra shared the dressing room with Sandesh Jhingan in the 2014 Indian Super League. Chopra had a second season at the club in the 2016 edition of the tournament. Hume was part of the 2017-18 Kerala Blasters squad as well. Hume has also been one of the fan favourites and an influential player at the club.
Such comments from former players are never good advertisements for any football club. Lack of professionalism, lack of confidence building measures and lack of commitment to rehabilitate a player of their own show has revealed the deficiencies at the club. Kerala Blasters may be forced to release more players as considerable wage cuts continue.
Sandesh Jhingan is expected to move to ATK in the next season as the RPSG-owned side looks to strengthen its defensing line-up. CFG-owned side Mumbai City FC are also in the race for Sandesh Jhingan, as reported by Sportskeeda.