With the arrival of new Indian Super League season, Kerala Blasters fans are gearing up. Manjappada, a global-fans group of Kerala Blasters, is bringing a new fan culture to Kerala. They are ready to push themselves to new limits and have released a new anthem for the upcoming season. The theme song has already over three lakh views on Youtube.
Manjappada has been a strong presence on social media with a large community of social media members and recently launched a Youtube channel Manjappada TV. The new theme song they released on Manjappada TV is an inspirational one with clips from previous seasons matches. Manjappada will soon launch their mobile app with a separate section for chants of all the Blasters players. With that, they can be an exclusive part of the stadium experience.
Manjappada is not restricted to online activities only, they conduct regular matches and tournaments for their followers at Bangalore and Kerala, they are planning to expand their works to places like Chennai and Delhi. With the support of Kerala Blasters and ever energetic fans they plan to bring a new fan culture to Kerala.
Thanks to Khel Now for the information.