Barcelona forward Lionel Messi spoke about his experience of his visit to India three years ago, and insists that the country has left an impression on him.
Lionel Messi was in Kolkata in August 2011 along with his Argentine teammates to play an exhibition match against Venezuela.“The last time I stepped into India, I was overwhelmed with the warmth and passion this country showered on me,” said Messi. “India left its famously lasting impression and with that lingering memory, my family and I have always wanted to develop an association with the country.”
Messi recently signed a contract with Indian Celebrity commerce company Collectabillia, in partnership with iAccy for exclusive rights to manufacture a range of covers for mobiles, laptops and tablets under the name of Messi.
“Collectabillia will provide the perfect platform to keep growing the brand and they will also help us creating an opportunity to connect with the fans globally through those accessories. I hope fans will enjoy what we have in store for them,” Messi said while speaking about his new association.