The ‘Hero’ Indian Super League’s Mumbai-based franchise has seven current and ex-Indian internationals amongst the 14 domestic players signed in the ISL draft held over the past two days at the Palladium hotel in Mumbai.Mumbai ISL franchise co-owner Ranbir Kapoor said, "I look forward to see Indian national team players Subrata, Nabi and the others play for us. We have put the best possible squad together for Mumbai and now is the time to really get started."“I am excited about our team and I welcome the players to the Mumbai franchise," Ranbir added.The pick of the lot amongst the domestic players were India’s number one goalkeeper Subrata Pal besides utility player Syed Rahim Nabi and young talent in Lalrindika Ralte, Ram Malik and Nadong Bhutia. The franchise also picked-up local Mumbai talent in Raju Gaikwad and Rohit Mirza.A happy co-owner Bimal Parekh, who was present at the ISL draft, said, “We came with a plan and executed it!”After the domestic players draft now the focus on the franchise shifts to the pre-season training for which dates will be announced soon.Mumbai ISL franchise technical director Nishant Mehra said, “We targeted a mix of experience and youth, which we are able to sign. On paper the team looks good, but we will have to deliver on the field of play.”Mumbai ISL Team – Indian Players draft- Subrata Paul- Lalrindika Ralte- Syed Rahim Nabi- Raju Eknath Gaikwad- Singam Subash Singh- Ram Malik- Deepak Kumar Mondal- Rohit Mirza- Ishan Debnath- Nadong Bhutia- Asif Kottayil- Peter Costa- Lalrin Fela- Sushil Kumar Singh Chongtham