After graduating from the Tata Football Academy in 2010, Robin Singh signed his first professional contract with Kolkata giants East Bengal. He scored ten goals in 45 matches during his time at the centenarian club, and still fondly remembers his time there.
Speaking to Indranil Basu of Sportskeeda during a Facebook Live session, the India international reminisced, "I still get goosebumps even thinking about it. Coming from TFA to a club with such a rich heritage and history shows their confidence in me and my abilities, which was immensely confidence-boosting; it would be for anyone. The fans' belief in me also motivated me to play better."
Robin Singh shares his favorite encounter with East Bengal fans
Driving through the narrow lanes in Kolkata can be quite tricky if you are not a local. It was no different for Robin, who once got stuck driving in a one-way road. A traffic policeman caught him, but being an East Bengal fan, he let the Noida-born athlete go.

"This happened after I scored my first goal in the Kolkata Derby. I was driving in the wrong way at Park Street. A guy came and asked me what I was doing. After I apologised, he literally came up to me and thanked me first. He said he could go home with his head held high and say that he follows East Bengal. In the end, he said this one time I am letting you go, but please don't do this again."
However, playing for a big club like East Bengal also has its downside. And, Robin Singh has experienced the ugly side of it too. "I have to give it to these people who have come in trucks from far away just to see their team win. That's a special feeling when you can send them home happy. I have also seen the other part where cars have been burnt.
"I have seen fans getting angry when the team loses and asking us how can you lose!" he signed off.