Uttar Pradesh have announced a 12-man squad for the men's kabaddi event at the National Games 2025 from January 29 to February 2. Jaipur Pink Panthers captain Arjun Deshwal will lead the side with his ample experience, having played across multiple teams over the years. Arjun has earned 1182 points, including eight tackle points from 114 matches.
Raider Vinay made his PKL debut in the seventh season with Haryana Steelers. He has earned 545 points from 100 matches across five seasons with the Steelers.
Right corner Sahul Kumar started his Pro Kabaddi League campaign with Jaipur Pink Panthers in 2021. He played for the Pink Panthers across three editions before joining UP Yoddhas for PKL 2024. The Indian defender has bagged 154 points from 83 matches.
All-rounder Nitin Panwar has played in the Pro Kabaddi League for four seasons, making his debut with UP Yoddhas in 2021. He played with the Yoddhas for three seasons and was with Dabang Delhi KC in the previous edition. Nitin has earned 33 points from 26 matches.
Mohd Amaan played for Puneri Paltan in Pro Kabaddi League 2024 and picked up six points from 14 outings. Meanwhile, Haryana Steelers raider had a total of three points from three matches in his debut PKL season in 2024.
Right raider Robin Chaudhary was part of the Pro Kabaddi League for just one season. In his only campaign, he earned 55 points from 18 matches with Telugu Titans.
Shubham Baliyan was part of the Yamuna Yodhas side in the inaugural edition of the UPKL. Vishal Choudhary is a right-raider and will be a backup for the senior players.
Uttar Pradesh squad in Men's Kabaddi at National Games 2025
Arjun Deshwal, Vinay Tevathia, Sahul Kumar, Nitin Panwar, Mohd Amaan, Vikul Lamba, Robin Chaudhary, Shubham Baliyan, Vishal Choudhary, Navneet Nagar, Anirudh Pandey, Karan Yadav.