Chhattisgarh’s Vijay Kumar delivered a stunning performance at the 38th National Games on Thursday, January 30, securing the gold medal in the men’s 55kg weightlifting category. Kumar matched the national record in the clean and jerk with a remarkable lift of 143kg.
After a 105kg snatch, Kumar lifted 143kg in the clean and jerk section for a total of 248kg, which handed him the gold. He now shares the clean-and-jerk national record with Maharashtra’s Sanket Sargar, who made the mark in 2022.
Maharashtra also dominated the podium, with Mukund Aher (247kg) and Srinivas Goud (244kg) taking home the silver and bronze, respectively.
“My parents didn’t see a future in weightlifting” - Vijay Kumar opens up on his struggles
Vijay Kumar’s path to success has been anything but easy. Hailing from a financially struggling family, he pursued weightlifting without the luxury of sports supplements or specialized training. For years, his meals consisted of simple “dal chawal.”
“My parents didn’t see a future in weightlifting. They wanted me to quit, but I couldn’t. This was my passion, my only choice. Today’s gold is proof I was right to keep going,” Vijay said after his triumph at the National Games 2025.
His career faced multiple setbacks due to recurring hamstring injuries that left him questioning his future in the sport. However, he overcame the challenges to stand tall on India’s biggest stage of the National Games.
“The pain was constant, and I couldn’t see a way forward. I never thought I would win a gold medal. But here I am, standing at the top,” he added.
As he closes his National Games campaign in Uttrakhand, he looks forward to continuing to excel in weightlifting.