Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has showered praise on Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Dhami and his government for their commendable job to host National Games 2025. The grand event got underway in Uttarakhand on January 28, with PM Modi present at the inauguration.
Modi specifically talked about three points from the organization of National Games 2025 by the Dhami government. In case you didn't know, CM Dhami and Sports Minister Rekha Arya's efforts helped Uttarakhand welcome the National Games to their state for the first time ever.
To ensure that the organization of the Games happens in the best way possible, the state government focused on three major things, namely Uniform Civil Code (UCC), Winter Tourism and Plastic Free campaign. Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised the Uttarakhand government for the same three points in a press release from the National Games organization.
UCC has ensured that there is a spirit of inclusivity, while the Winter Tourism Yatra aims to boost the tourism sector of the state while organizing the Games. The government also took care of the environment by using e-waste for everything right from medals to stationery.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi highlights why National Games 2025 happening in Uttarakhand is a special thing
During his speech at the inauguration of the 38th National Games at the Rajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium in Dehradun, Prime Minister Narendra Modi stressed that it was the 25th anniversary of Uttarakhand's formation this year. Hence, it was special to host a grand event like the National Games in the state this year.
Modi further mentioned that the Devbhoomi (Holy Abode of God) is now brimming with youthful energy. He emphasized the National Games were beginning with the blessings of Baba Kedarnath, Badrinath and Maa Ganga.
In his view, sports economy will play a huge role in making India the world's third-highest economy. Lastly, he congratulated CM Pushkar Dhami and his governement for organizing the National Games 2025 in Uttarakhand in the best way.