A judo coach named Naresh Arya in Delhi has been banned from training for six years, confirmed a report by Amar Ajula. Naresh was involved in a scuffle with a NADA official last year, who made a surprise visit to a judo academy to collect samples.
However, the coach resisted and resorted to a physical assault with the official. He hurled abuses at the NADA official and denied him from taking the samples. The official filed a complaint and the coach was temporarily banned for six months on 24th July 2023.
In the latest hearing, the coach was found guilty of the charges leveled against him and has now received a six-year ban from the sport, along with a monetary penalty of INR 50,000. Besides, his two trainees have also been banned for four and two years, respectively.
As per the laws, the coach has violated Rules 2.5 and 2.9 of NADA by obstructing the work of the dope control officer, said the chairperson Charu Pragya. During this period, the coach and his trainees aren’t allowed to participate in any sports in any capacity.
Notably, this is the first instance when a coach has been banned for stopping a doping official from practicing his or her duty.
25 athletes fail dope test conducted during National Games
As many as 25 athletes failed dope tests that were conducted during National Games 2023, held in Goa from 25th October to 9th November 2023.
Some of those athletes who tested positive for the test also won medals at the event, while some were international players. The dope offenders were from various disciplines including weightlifting, athletics, wrestling, cycling, judo, football, wushu, and lawn bowls.
The offenders have been charged with provisional suspension. Among those, 9 were athletes, while 7 were from Weightlifting.
Some of the prominent players who have been caught in this doping scandal were Kamaljeet Kaur, who won silver in 200 meters, Ajay Kumar, who won bronze in 5000 meters, athletes Farman Ali, Praveen Kumar, V Neha, Harjodhvir Singh, boxer Bhawna, silver medallist cyclist Anita Devi.