The inaugural day of the 46th Junior National Kabaddi Championship kicked off in the Maharshi Dayanand University Sports Complex, Rohtak, Haryana. The defending champions Chandigarh (boys) and Sports Authority of India (girls) opened their account with emphatic victories over Jammu and Kashmir, and Gujarat respectively. A lot of fixtures in the girls' category resulted in lop-sided finishes with no prior competition from the inexperienced sides.
In the boys' category, Haryana - led by the experience of Anuj Kumar and Neeraj Narwal, secured an emphatic 43-12 win against Assam in the opener in Pool E. In the Pool A fixture, Banty scored a resilient Super-10, which led Chandigarh to register a remarkable victory over Jammu & Kashmir by 53-17. The final match in the same category witnessed Uttar Pradesh knocking off Rajasthan 47-15 in Pool B.
Haryana got off to a dream start in the girls' category as they squashed Goa 52-16 in Pool B. The gold-medalists of the 45th edition - Sports Authority of India (SAI) overpowered Gujarat with three notable Super-10s. It resulted in a dominating victory for SAI by 76-12 in Pool A. The Pool C match between Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand saw a one-sided beatdown by the former with the scoreline 30-4.
The action continued in the girls' category with Chattisgarh beating Kerala's second team by 43-23 in Pool D. Rajasthan defeated Manipur with a margin of 41-7 as part of a Pool E fixture.
Tripura could only manage a solo raid point in their entire match, suffering a humiliating loss against Himachal Pradesh 36-1 in Pool F.
The final clash of the evening (Pool G) witnessed Karnataka getting the upper hand over Telangana by 41-26.
Here is the summary of the Day 1 results of the 46th Junior National Kabaddi Championship.
Match 1: Haryana defeated Assam 43-12 (Pool E)
Match 2: Chandigarh defeated Jammu & Kashmir 53-17 (Pool A)
Match 3: Uttar Pradesh defeated 47-15 (Pool B)
Match 1: Haryana defeated Goa 52-16 (Pool B)
Match 2: Sports Authority of India defeated Gujarat 76-12 (Pool A)
Match 3: Uttar Pradesh defeated Jharkhand 30-4 (Pool C)
Match 4: Chattisgarh vs. Kerala's 2nd side 43-23 (Pool D)
Match 5: Rajasthan vs. Manipur 41-7 (Pool E)
Match 6: Himachal Pradesh vs. Tripura 36-1 (Pool F)
Match 7: Karnataka vs. Telangana 41-26 (Pool G)
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