After 5 weeks of high octane action during PKL, Dabang Delhi, the Delhi based franchise of Pro Kabaddi League, will now be seen in a different avtar. The franchise and Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) India, a not-for-profit organization, have tied up for a unique initiative - Click2Clean, a campaign that aims at ‘cleaning up’ selected unclean and littered public spaces in cities, through collective action by citizens, Government and the private sector.
The community-driven initiative is being launched in Delhi and NCR (Gurgaon, Noida, Faridabad, Ghaziabad) today and will later cover other cities across the country.
CAF India got into this exclusive tie-up with Dabang Delhi given the influence of sports on the youth of India. As part of the tie-up Dabang Delhi skipper Ravinder Pahal, along with teammates Amit Chillar and Kashiling Adake among others will be participating in this campaign to help create public awareness on sanitation.
Speaking on their tie-up, Dabang Delhi Kabaddi Team Owner Ms. Radha Kapoor, Director, DoIT Sports Management (India) Pvt Ltd said, "Dabang Delhi is committed to positive social change as part of DoIT Sports Management's socially responsible objectives. As a step in that direction we are pleased to associate with Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) India’s ‘Click2Clean’ campaign. Dabang Delhi strongly believes hygiene and sanitation are major contributors to a healthy living and this campaign fulfills our objective of reaching out to the society, specifically educate the youth, about keeping the environment clean. We endorse the 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan' and strongly believe that just like sports, healthy habits, need to be practiced and made a way of life."
Through the Click2Clean campaign, citizens of Delhi NCR will click and upload ‘unclean’ and littered public spaces, after which a screening committee will select 100 sites from all the images it receives and ensure the sites are litter-free within a given timeframe. A new page on Facebook has been created to help citizens upload images. Donation for the campaign is welcomed and people can donate through the mentioned link
This is an extension of CAF India’s, Right To Sanitation (RTS) campaign, in which support was recieved from celebs like Bollywood star Anushka Sharma, Singer Ankit Tiwari, Olympian Shiva Keshavan.
Meenakhsi Batra, CAF India, CEO, said, ‘’While we are doing a lot of work in the area of sanitation in rural areas, there is an urgent need to clean up our cities as the number of people migrating from rural to urban areas continues to surge with each every passing day. This exerts an ever-increasing pressure on civic agencies to ensure cleanliness and maintain sanitation standards. Keeping this in mind, we have launched the Click2Clean campaign in Delhi NCR to start with and appeal to corporates and individuals to participate in this movement to clean our cities.’’
On the association with Dabang Delhi, Ms. Batra added, ‘’We thank the Dabang Delhi players and their management for lending support to the Click2Clean campaign. I am certain the association with a team like Dabang Delhi will be perceived well amongst the sports fans, connect with the citizens and attract attention to such an important cause that affects everybody.’’
The association is part of Dabang Delhi's socially responsible initiatives and aims at raising public awareness to cultivate civic sense in communities and welcome citizen participation. The objective is also to encourage the Indian youth to actively and consciously assure a clean environment, not just for self but for the community as well.