Players from Dabang Delhi Kabaddi Club, the Delhi franchise of the Vivo Pro Kabaddi League, took part in a promo ride with the children from Diksha, a non-profit school supported by Concern India Foundation in Palam Vihar, Gurugram on Sunday. Prominent players including Vishal Mane, Yogesh Hooda and Vishal Lather cycled with the kids during this promo ride which was organized by Saksham Pedal Delhi, India’s Premier cyclothon event. The ride was supported by Concern India Foundation in association with Dabang Delhi Kabaddi Club.
Commenting on this initiative, Dabang Delhi defender Vishal Mane said, “It was an amazing experience to engage and cycle with the children from Diksha NGO school. Teaching them a new skill, cycling, will go long way in their overall development and empower them by making them more independent. The kids were full of energy and I am sure that initiatives like this will encourage more youngsters to pedal and #BeTheChange.”
The second edition of Saksham Pedal Delhi, India’s premier cyclothon, an initiative of Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) supported by the oil and gas companies, in collaboration with DO IT Sports Management (India) Pvt. Ltd., is all set to take place in Delhi, on the 7th of October 2018. In line with the approach of last year’s edition, Saksham Pedal Delhi, 2018 will aim to profess the importance of socio-environmental consciousness by promoting cycling, both as a lifestyle and as an alternative means of commute, especially for shorter distances for day to day activities such as cycling to work, riding to nearby places etc. Not only does this save fuel/money but also keeps one healthy and fit contributing to the reduction of vehicular emission by reducing congestion and improving traffic flow.
About Diksha Charitable Trust
Diksha, a non-profit school supported by Concern India Foundation in Palam Vihar, Gurgaon, Haryana, was established in 2008 to provide free and quality education to children from underprivileged families from neighbouring areas. The school is from nursery to class X. In the current year, the school is providing academic opportunities to over 360 boys and girls.
The curriculum is designed to encourage participation in extracurricular activities. Each child is made to recognise and nurture what he/she identifies as their life skills and attributes and is prompted to add other facets to these skills to become a well-rounded individual. There are great opportunities provided for sports, drama, dance and art forms.
Since the bulk of children are first-generation-learners, parents are provided a platform for free exchange of ideas and views while appraising the progress of their child. Through a two-way relationship, coupled with an enabling environment, parents are kept informed on:
Immunisation, Safe Contraception, Gender-Based Violence, Child Abuse, Self Employment, Reproductive Health, Health, Nutrition, Sanitation, Hygiene, Substance Abuse and Addictions.