Dabang Delhi, the Delhi based Star Sports PKL franchise, has been propagating the idea of collective responsibility in the team and hence would rotate the captains armband throughout the second edition.
The team, owned by DoIT Sports Management,kicks off their campaign tonight against Telugu Titans. Last year captain,Jasmer Gulia will be donning the armband during the opening match as the team from the Capital kick off their campaign for Season 2.
Explaining the rationale behind the move, Dabang Delhi, Head Coach, Honnappa C Gowda said, “The team has a bunch of experienced campaigners and we wanted to draw from their leadership skills and experience. During the three training camps we saw how all of them bring different dimensions to the team and by rotating the captains armband we can make the most of their expertise,” he added.
Ms Radha Kapoor, owner Dabang Delhi team said,"We followed a similar philosophy with Dabang Mumbai during Hockey Indian League (HIL) 2015 and we going to have a “imilar approach for Dabang Delhi as well. The rotational captaincy policy gives all the players equal opportunity to showcase leadership quality and we as a team want to explore and build on the strengths of each of our players.”