On Wednesday, the Telugu Titans edged out the Dabang Delhi in a tense encounter, which meant that the Eagles are now officially out of the reckoning for a place in the semifinals. Kashiling Adake, who was the best raider in Season 2 of the league, garnered 10 points for his side in the game but that was not enough as the Titans clinched a 44-36 win.
The man from Sangli in Maharashtra has been one of the best players for the Delhi side in the Pro Kabaddi League and spoke to Sportskeeda about his gold-medal winning exploits at the recently concluded South Asian Games in Guwahati and the possible reasons for his side’s faltering run in the competition.
Q – Please tell us about your experience at the South Asian Games and what it means for an athlete to play for India.
A – Playing for the national team is obviously something very special and I feel grateful whenever I get the chance to represent my country. The overall experience at the SAG was quite good as we won the gold medal and beat Pakistan in the final. It was a great win and I feel privileged to have played a role in our team’s win.
Q – What was it like playing with the likes of Anup Kumar and Rahul Chaudhari?
A – It was a great learning experience, for sure. Playing in the same team with people you play against every day was hard at first, but we got along very well and I am proud to share our win with my teammates. Anup Kumar is a very senior figure in the circuit and being able to play with him and learn from him was a unique experience in its own!
Q – What went wrong in today’s game against the Titans? Your side was in command for most of the second half.
A – I feel that we were really unlucky today. We should have won today’s game but we lost out because of our defensive frailties. We are lacking in the cover position and made some wrong choices in pressure situations. It was just not our day!
Q – With the semifinals out of reach, how are you and your team approaching the remaining few matches?
A – We will go out and give our best efforts as always. Even if we can’t reach the semifinals, we will look to win in each game and leave a good impression.