Indian kabaddi star Rohit Kumar Chillar was arrested from the navy staff quarters in Colaba, Mumbai on Friday by a team from Delhi Police, three days after his wife Lalita Dabas committed suicide by hanging herself at her apartment in west Delhi’s Nangloi.
Rohit, who joined the Navy in 2009 posted a video on a social media site, stating that he was innocent and promised to cooperate with the police investigation. A notice was even served to Kumar's family on Thursday to cooperate with the police investigation but they went absconding after locking their house.
27-year-old Lalita, who was found hanging by a noose around her neck by her father on Monday evening, had to stay alone while her in-laws stayed in Kanjhawala in Delhi.Her marriage to Rohit in March last year was her second.
Also read: Wife of Indian Kabaddi star Rohit Kumar commits suicide
A FIR for dowry and death has been filed against Rohit and his family members, on the complaint of Karan Singh after police found a suicide note and two audio recordings, in which Lalita accused her husband and in-laws of tormenting and abusing her.
According to police reports, there were two voice messages on her mobile phone. The first was two hours long and the second was 22 minutes long in which Lalita detailed the 'torture' she was subjected to and the inexplicable demands for dowry, which eventually forced her to commit suicide.
The Kumar family had also demanded an SUV for dowry in spite of receiving a sedan from the in-laws during the wedding. The Indian kabaddi player had remained unreachable to police after the incident, while his parents, who were also named in the FIR, had gone into hiding.
Rohit's father Vijay Kumar 51, has also been accused in the dowry death case on Friday, however, surrendered at the Nangloi police station while Chillar's mother Sunita is still untraceable. Vijay was produced before a district magistrate, who remanded him to judicial custody till November 4.
Joint Commissioner of Police Deependra Pathak said to the Indian express."We arrested Chillar from Mumbai. He will be presented in a court there for transit remand to bring him back to Delhi for interrogation,”
“A local court has granted transit remand till Sunday. Chillar is being brought to Delhi and he will be produced before a city court,” said Deputy Commissioner of Police (West) Vijay Kumar to TOI.