The Sushil Gulia-led Kurukshetra University and Guru Nanak Dev University from Amritsar emerged victorious on the fourth day of the Kabaddi competition in the ongoing Khelo India University Games 2020 to set up a spot in the men's summit clash. On the other hand, the women from Himachal Pradesh University and MDU Rohtak won their respective semi-finals in the Multi-Purpose Indoor Hall Campus 13, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
The opening semi-final took place between Mangalore University and Kurukshetra University, where the latter established a 4-pointer lead in the first half. Inflicting a total of three all-outs in the entire fixture, Kurukshetra University extended their lead to a mammoth 19 points to win the match by 32-51.
In the second men's semi-final, Amritsar's Guru Nanak Dev University comprising of Neeraj Narwal and Rajnish Dalal depicted a decent performance in the first half to gain a 12-pointer lead during half-time. Shivaji University made a stellar comeback in the second half but fell short of just five points as GNDU Amritsar occupied the second spot in the men's finale, winning by 35-40.
The first semi-final of the women's division got played between Himachal Pradesh University and Hemchand Yadav University, where both teams ended with scores 12-12 in the first 20 minutes. However, the former made a sensational comeback in the second half and booked their fourth consecutive win of the competition by 31-23.
MDU Rohtak squared off against Kurukshetra University in a Northern-derby clash, where the women from MDU inflicted three all-outs against the latter to claim the second and final spot in the women's gold medal match by 36-20.
Khelo India University Games 2020 Kabaddi Results, 29th February:
Men's Semi-Final 1: Kurukshetra University defeated Mangalore University 32-51
Men's Semi-Final 2: Guru Nanak Dev University defeated Shivaji University 40-35
Women's Semi-Final 1: HP University defeated Hemchand Yadav University 36-20
Women's Semi-Final 2: Maharshi Dayanand University defeated Kurukshetra University 31-23
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