Dolly Singh, who is on the Indian Kabaddi team, was in her home village, Kanpur, when she was attacked by a group of 10-12 assailants. Singh says the men had begun their abusive behaviour when she returned to her village a month earlier.
The player had, at the time, registered an official complaint with local police regarding the hooligans. On the 12th of June this year, the boys, who wore masks and covered their faces to conceal their identities, began verbally and physically assaulting Singh, who was severely injured in the incident. She sustained injuries all over her body, with deep cuts and bruising on her face.
The miscreants told Singh their attack was in retaliation for complaining against them earlier.
Senior Superintendent of Police Sharad Mathur said, “Charges had been framed, and arrests will be made accordingly.” He assured the public and reporters that there would be swift action and the criminals would be apprehended soon.