National-level kabaddi player Sukhvinder Narwhal’s murder in broad daylight in Rohtak has been recorded by security cameras at a house near the killing scene. The athlete was shot dead yesterday by two men when he was walking back home from practice, in his village in Haryana.
In the video, Narwhal appears to be talking on his cellphone as two men in a scooter approach him. Without warning, they start to shoot at him and he falls to the ground after taking a bullet. Both the killers were wearing black pants, one wearing neon pink sneakers.
After Narwhal falls on the ground the killers get off the scooter, and proceed to shoot him over and over in the head. At one point, the kabaddi player, lying on the ground, turns over to his side before slowly falling back on the ground.
The murderers have yet to be identified by the Haryana police, who are searching for them.
This is not the first time that a kabaddi player has been attacked in broad daylight. Just three months ago, another player named Deepak Kumar was killed after two men on a motorcycle shot him in a deserted part of Rohtak. He lay on the roadside for nearly half an hour after the incident before his brother arrived and helped him.
Watch the graphic video here (warning: the video contains disturbing footage).