UP Yoddhas star Bhavani Rajput recently assembled his all-time playing seven of Pro Kabaddi League players. Interestingly, the Yoddhas raider picked Ajay Thakur in his team, but he left out the likes of Rahul Chaudhari and Pawan Kumar Sehrawat.
In an exclusive interview with Sportskeeda on the sidelines of Pro Kabaddi League 2024, Bhavani Rajput formed his all-time PKL 7. He started the list by selecting elite all-rounder Manjeet Chhillar as the left cover, with current U Mumba captain Sunil Kumar being the right cover defender.
For the corner positions, Bhavani picked the legendary duo of Surender Nada and Mohit Chhillar, who played a huge role in U Mumba's Pro Kabaddi League Season 2 triumph. Bhavani also selected that U Mumba champion squad's captain Anup Kumar as one of his three raiders.
The other two raiders of Bhavani's team were Ajay Thakur and Pardeep Narwal. While Bhavani included the number one raider of all time, Pardeep Narwal, he did not have a place for Pawan Kumar Sehrawat and Rahul Chaudhari, who have been in the top 10 for a long time now.
Bhavani Rajput's all-time PKL 7: Surender Nada (Left corner), Anup Kumar (Left in), Manjeet Chhillar (Left cover), Pardeep Narwal (Centre), Sunil Kumar (Right cover), Rakesh Kumar (Right in) and Mohit Chhillar (Right corner).
"I have tried replicating the way he scored bonus points" - Bhavani Rajput showers praise on Anup Kumar
When asked to pick the captain of his all-time seven, Bhavani selected Anup Kumar as the skipper. He mentioned that he has tried playing like the former U Mumba captain, but he has never been able to replicate it.
"Anup Kumar will obviously be the captain of my all-time seven. I have tried replicating the way he scored bonus points and his toe touch skill, but I have never been able to do it (laughs)," Bhavani said.
Bhavani is currently playing for the UP Yoddhas in Pro Kabaddi 2024. He has performed brilliantly for the Yoddhas, and it will be interesting to see if he can take his team to the playoffs.