Maninder Singh will go under the hammer at the Pro Kabaddi 2023 Auction next month. The Bengal Warriors have not retained their star raider's services for the 10th edition of PKL.
Singh played for Jaipur Pink Panthers in the inaugural season and helped them become the champions by scoring 137 points in 16 matches. He did not play in the next three seasons and then returned as a part of the Bengal Warriors squad in the fifth season.
Maninder Singh performed consistently for Bengal and finished with a tally of around 200 points in every season he played for them. The tall raider also guided the Warriors to their maiden PKL championship win in 2019.
Speaking about the upcoming PKL Auction in an exclusive chat with Sportskeeda, Maninder said:
"It's been a wonderful journey with Bengal Warriors. I have played for Bengal ever since I came back in PKL. I have a lot of memories and we also won the tournament (PKL 7 title). We will see what happens in auction, all depends on auction dynamics."
"If Bengal Warriors pick me, I will be happy because I have a special relationship with them. Apart from this, if any other team takes me, then I will get a chance to play with them and it will be a different experience for me. If Jaipur Pink Panthers pick me, that too will be good, because I won PKL with them," he added.
"We were plagued by injuries"- Maninder Singh opens up on what went wrong for Bengal Warriors in PKL 9
Bengal Warriors failed to qualify for the playoffs in the previous edition of the Pro Kabaddi League. The season seven champions attained the 11th spot in the 12-team standings, with only eight wins from 22 matches.
Commenting on what went wrong for the Warriors, Maninder Singh said:
"We started PKL 9 well, but in the middle, we were plagued by injuries and that's why the balance in the team was not maintained. The new players didn't get a chance to get settled and that's why the performance was not up to the expectations."
Singh was the captain of the Bengal team last season. He signed off by saying that the coaches supported him a lot and ensured he did not have any extra burden on his shoulders.
"There was no captaincy pressure on me because the coaches were there and they made sure there is not too much of pressure on me," he added.
Pro Kabaddi 2023 Auction will take place next month. It will be interesting to see which team signs Maninder Singh.