The tenth season of India's prestigious Kabaddi tournament, Pro Kabaddi League (PKL 2023) kick-started on December 2. All 12 formidable teams include a wide array of local talent along with some international luminaries. Among these international stars, players from Iran comprise a larger portion as compared to other countries.
A total of 13 players from the country are allocated among six different teams. While players from different countries such as Kenya, Sri Lanka and Taiwan among others are also included, Iranian players are eager to make their mark for Gujarat Giants, Jaipur Pink Panthers, Puneri Paltan, Tamil Thalaivas, Telugu Titans and U Mumba in various roles.
Gujarat Giants have added depth to their pool signing two talented players. One of them is Fazal Atrachali, a defender who won a silver medal at the 2022 Asian Games. Mohammad Nabibaksh, an exceptional all-rounder who won a gold medal at the 2018 Asian Games, is also added to their roster.
Another franchise, Jaipur Pink Panthers, boasts two kabaddi sensations from the country. Amirhossein Mohammed Maleki is set to render his services as a raider, while Reza Mirbagheri who made his debut for the Panthers in the ninth season, will play as a defender in PKL 2023.
The Puneri Paltan franchise also includes a duo from Iran. One of them is Vahid Rezaeimehr, a sturdy defender who could not make it to the Asian Games 2023 squad. Mohammadreza Chiyaneh, who is an all-rounder, recently featured among the most costliest players in the history of PKL.
Tamil Thalaivas have roped in a pair of defenders from the country, Amirhossen Bastami and Mohammadreza Kaboudrehangi. Mohammadreza recently made headlines at the Hangzhou Asian Games due to his extraordinary defensive skills.
Another KPL team, Telugu Titans, have picked all-rounders Hamid Nader and Shankar Gadai. Nader was part of the national squad that won a gold medal at the 2018 Asian Games.
U Mumba have picked Heidarali Ekrami as a raider and Alireza Mirzaeian also in the same role. Mumba feature the biggest pool of Iranian players (3) among the aforementioned five teams as rising star Amirmohammad Zafardanesh will carry the duties as an all-rounder.
It is pertinent to mention that the remaining six teams Bengal Warriors, Bengaluru Bulls, Dabang Delhi, Haryana Steelers, Patna Pirates and UP Yoddhas have not picked up any players from Iran. The league will conclude on February 21.
List of Iranian players in PKL 2023
Here is the complete list of Iranain players set to shine in PKL 2023: