Naveen Kumar is all set to make a roaring comeback to the Pro Kabaddi League (PKL) for the upcoming season. Having had to sit out of last season due to an injury, he will be donning the Dabang Delhi K.C jersey in Season 11 and is raring to go.
In an interaction with Sportskeeda, the 24-year-old shared that he is now completely fit and is on a mission. Kumar expressed his desire to excel for the cause of his team and give it his all in the process. The youngster is determined and wants to stay away from injuries.
"I want to keep myself away from injuries this season and give it my all for the team. My ambition is to get my team into the finals and see Dabang Delhi become champions for the second time. My recovery is now complete and I have started training," said Naveen.
The Haryana-born player is grateful for the support he has received from both the franchise and the team coach. Naveen Kumar now wants to do everything to be able to meet their expectations. He has turned to reading in order to keep his mind clear and focused.
"The franchise and the team coach have been very supportive. They have shown complete faith in me and I want to live up to those expectations now. I have been reading a lot more books to make my self mentally even stronger and healthier," he said.
"I intend to pass on my experience to the younger talent in the side" - Naveen Kumar
Naveen Kumar is one of the most talented raiders in the country. He was the fastest and youngest player to reach 500 raid points in PKL history. Kumar wants to now pass on the experience to the youngsters much like how he was once supported.
"We have experience in our team which will prove useful in guiding the younger talent. Yogesh and Ashish did very well last season. When I had joined the team, the then coach and senior players showed great faith in me. I now intend to pass on the same to the youngsters," expressed Naveen.
The rising star is confident in how his team stacks up for the upcoming season and has full faith in the ability of the defenders. An extremely talented player himself, Naveen Kumar feels he still has plenty that he can learn from his teammates.
"Our defenders have played together and we have seen them excel. That is why they have been picked in our team. I will try to share my experience with them and would also want to learn from them as there is plenty that can be learnt from such talented players," he said.