The second day of the National Games 2025 kabaddi tournament is done and dusted. The highly anticipated clash between Arjun Deshwal's Uttar Pradesh and Pawan Sehrawat's Chandigarh happened on the second day of the tournament. Chandigarh beat UP by 38-35 in a close encounter.
This victory marked Chandigarh's second win in the tournament. Thanks to the three-point win against Uttar Pradesh, the Chandigarh team now has six points to its name in the National Games 2025 kabaddi points table. Chandigarh previously defeated Maharashtra in their opening fixture of Group B.
Talking about Maharashtra, they opened their account in the Group B standings with a massive 74-28 win against Karnataka. The Karnataka team has struggled in the tournament so far. They lost their opening fixture against Uttar Pradesh on the first day of the kabaddi competition.
Chandigarh have qualified for the semifinals. They will play their last group stage match against Karnataka. Meanwhile, the Maharashtra vs Uttar Pradesh match has become a virtual quarterfinal, with the winner joining Chandigarh in the semis.
Services rise to the top of the National Games 2025 kabaddi points table
Talking about Group A, Services recorded their second consecutive win in the National Games 2025 tournament. The Services team has six points in their account after two matches. They beat home team Uttarakhand by 59-45 in a group stage fixture on the second day of the competition.
Meanwhile, Haryana defeated Rajasthan by 54-46 to open their account in the standings. The Haryana team suffered a defeat at the hands of Services in their first match. Meanwhile, Rajasthan had defeated Uttarakhand. However, Haryana have the same number of points as Rajasthan now, thanks to their eight-point win.