Three matches took place in Pro Kabaddi 2022 on Friday night, with all of them going down to the wire. U Mumba beat the Haryana Steelers 32-31 in the first match of the night. In the second game, Puneri Paltan defeated the Bengal Warriors 27-25.
Tabletoppers Dabang Delhi KC crossed swords with the 12th-placed Patna Pirates in the main event of the night. Patna upset Delhi, winning the match 37-33.
Lots of points were scored last night in Pro Kabaddi 2022, and here's a look at the updated Most Raid Points and Most Tackle Points lists.
Most Raid Points in Pro Kabaddi 2022
Naveen Kumar has extended his lead at the top of the table. After scoring another Super 10 last night, the Dabang Delhi KC captain now has 81 raid points in his account after six matches. Surender Gill and Rakesh have retained their places in the top three of the points table.
Puneri Paltan's Aslam Inamdar has bagged fourth position after scoring five raid points yesterday. He has 55 raid points to his name in PKL 2022.
Inamdar has pushed Arjun Deshwal down to fifth position and Pardeep Narwal to sixth.
Most Tackle Points in Pro Kabaddi 2022
Girish Ernak scored four tackle points yesterday to take his overall tally to 24 tackle points. Dabang Delhi KC's right corner defender Krishan has returned to second position. He scored three tackle points against the Patna Pirates.
Sunil Kumar has slipped to third position, while Sunil, Ankush and Vishal have retained their places in the top six.
Three more matches will take place in PKL 2022 tonight. U Mumba will take on Bengaluru Bulls, Jaipur Pink Panthers will clash with Telugu Titans, and Gujarat Giants will battle the Haryana Steelers.