Pro Kabaddi 2022 continued on January 24 with a couple of lopsided matches. The first match of the night saw the Bengal Warriors crush the Jaipur Pink Panthers 41-22. A Super 10 from Maninder Singh guided the defending champions to a 19-point win.
Later in the night, Puneri Paltan beat Dabang Delhi KC 42-25. Mohit Goyat, Aslam Inamdar, Nitin Tomar and Sombir were the architects of Pune's 17-point victory over the Season 7 runners-up.
Now that the matches scheduled for January 24 are done and dusted, here's a look at the updated Most Raid Points and Most tackle Points in Pro Kabaddi 2022.
Most Raid Points in Pro Kabaddi 2022
There were no changes in the top 7 of the top raiders' in Pro Kabaddi 2022. Pawan Sehrawat, Maninder Singh and Arjun Deshwal continue to be the top three raiders. Both Singh and Deshwal scored a Super 10 earlier tonight during the Bengal Warriors vs Jaipur Pink Panthers match.
After the battle between Jaipur and Bengal, Singh has 178 raid points to his name from 14 matches, while Deshwal has 152 raid points from 13 outings. Naveen Kumar continues to hold a place in the top 4 despite being out of action.
Check out the Pro Kabaddi winners list here.
Most Tackle Points in Pro Kabaddi 2022
Like the raiders' leaderboard, there was no change in the Most Tackle Points list. Jaideep, Saurabh Nandal and Sagar retained their spots in the top 3, with Surjeet Singh, Surender Nada, Nitesh Kumar and Mohammadreza Chiyaneh right behind them.
Only one PKL match is on the schedule for tomorrow, which will be between Haryana Steelers and Telugu Titans. Fans will witness the duo of Jaideep and Surender Nada in action for Haryana.