India's esteemed Kabaddi tournament, Pro Kabaddi League 2023 is underway, featuring a long list of talented players from all over the country. Despite the excitement, fans and experts alike miss the absence of some of the prominent names, including all-rounder Sandeep Narwal, who stole the limelight in the previous seasons.
Surprisingly, the 30-year-old went unsold on Day 1 of the PKL 10 auction. It was assumed that any of the 12 teams would sign him in the upcoming days of the auction; however, it was a severe disappointment to see the Arjuna Awardee go unsold despite a stellar career.
Sandeep has been among India's favorite Kabaddi players. Back in 2021, he was not only nominated for the prestigious Arjuna Award at the National Sports Awards but also won it.
To glimpse at his career, Sandeep was part of the national team that bagged gold at the 2016 Asian Games. Due to consistent efforts and success on the national and international level, Patna Pirates signed him for the inaugural edition of the PKL.
He stayed persistent with his performances and had a great season. PKL 1 is still considered Sandeep Narwal's best as he gathered 119 points with an astonishing 53% raid strike rate and a formidable 66% tackle strike rate. Due to his excellence, the franchise retained him for the next two seasons.
He was seen in action for the Telugu Titans in the fourth season, where he featured in 16 games and collected 66 points. In the subsequent two seasons, the skilled all-rounder donned the Puneri Paltan jersey.
He was then roped in by U Mumba in the 7th season, witnessing him accumulate a tally of 76 points. The journey took another turn in the next season as Dabang Delhi also got his skilled services in 2018.
Which PKL team did Sandeep Narwal last play?
Sandeep Narwal's last PKL appearance was for UP Yoddha in the ninth season where he earned 22 points from seven games. While the fans awaited to see which franchise would auction the Haryana-born for PKL 2023, it turned out to be a huge setback for the player.
Disappointment apart, Sandeep's overall PKL career speaks volumes. Having played 156 matches for various teams, the 30-year-old has 645 points to his name, depicting his skills in raiding and defending as an all-rounder.
His defensive skills include 30 super tackles along with 18 high 5s, which add to 360 commendable tackle points.
Sandeep's attacking stats include 839 total raids, with a 26% success rate, accumulating 285 raid points. Sandeep Narwal enjoys an average of 1.83 raid points per match, which further proves his class in the world of Kabaddi.