In a shocking incident that took place on Friday, January 24, female kabaddi players from Tamil Nadu were assaulted during an inter-university tournament in Bathinda, Punjab. Reportedly, a fight broke out in the match between Mother Teresa University and Darbhanga University in the North Zone Inter University & All India Inter University Kabaddi (Women) Championship 2024-25.
Mother Teresa University, along with Bharathiar University, Alagappa University, and Periyar University, was one of the teams from Tamil Nadu that participated in the competition.
Sports Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin, also the Tamil Nadu Deputy Chief Minister, confirmed that players did not suffer major injuries but condemned the incident.
“As soon as we got the complaint, we called the coach. SDAT (Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu) contacted the District Collector and other officials to provide security to the players. We do send physical directors and coaches to take care of facilities, unfortunately such an incident occurred,” Stalin said.
“They will stay in the Delhi House and will return to Tamil Nadu. All are safe. Athletes have suffered minor scratches and no serious injury,” Stalin added.
Notably, 36 student athletes had gone to Punjab to take part in the tournament.
What happened during the Kabaddi match?
Players from Tamil Nadu were assaulted after a foul attack call was made against Mother Teresa University. Thereafter, the referee and the team from Tamil Nadu disagreed. In the heat of the moment, the referee allegedly attacked a player from the Mother Teresa University team.
It added fuel to the fire after which players from both teams started a physical altercation. Videos of the players in the fight also went viral on social media. The videos also showed chairs being thrown around as the spectators favored the Darbhanga University while the Tamil Nadu players were being assaulted.
Former state minister D Jayakumar said that action will be taken against the ones who attacked the kabaddi players from Tamil Nadu.