Dabang Delhi KC's English defenders Yuvraj Pandeya and Felix Li exclusively told Sportskeeda that they trained under Anup Kumar before joining the Pro Kabaddi League. A video of the English duo training with the kabaddi legend has surfaced on the internet recently.
Pro Kabaddi League has increased the popularity of the sport across the world, with several new nations also building a kabaddi team of their own. England defenders Yuvraj Pandeya and Felix Li played at the Bangabandhu Cup for their nation and earned a contract from Dabang Delhi KC at the PKL Auction.
Speaking with Sportskeeda a few weeks ago, Felix Li shared details of his kabaddi training and said:
"Yuvraj and I actually went to two kabaddi academies. We went to Anup Kumar's academy called Future Fighters and we went to Mohit Narwal's kabaddi academy as well."
Anup Kumar shared a video of himself teaching some kabaddi skills to the two English defenders on Instagram. You can watch the video here:
Anup Kumar led India to the Kabaddi World Cup title in 2016. He even won PKL season two as the captain of U Mumba. The former Indian skipper retired from the sport in 2018. He now works as a kabaddi coach.
Yuvraj Pandeya and Felix Li may make their Pro Kabaddi League debut soon
Dabang Delhi KC have performed brilliantly in PKL 10 so far. They have already qualified for the playoffs with two matches remaining in the league round. It is also almost confirmed that Delhi will finish between the third to sixth positions, meaning they will have to play in the Eliminator round.
Since the remaining two league matches may not have a massive impact on their season, the Delhi team management can think of resting their main players to keep them fresh for the playoffs. Perhaps, it may also open the door for Pandeya and Li to display their kabaddi skills on the mat.