Pakistan Kabaddi player Wasim Sajjad has announced his retirement from the sport after an illustrious career of 15 years. He has been a pivotal player for his national team since the 2005 Asian Kabaddi Championship when he represented Pakistan for the first time in the international scene.
Wasim has played for his national side in four editions of the Asian Games (2006, 2010, 2014, and 2018) with a silver and three bronze medals. He also got featured in the 2018 Kabaddi Masters Dubai tournament when Pakistan ended as the bronze medalists.
He also represented the Pakistan team in the South Asian Games (2006 and 2016), Asian Kabaddi Championship (2005 and 2017), 2007 Asian Indoor Games, and Asian Beach Games (2010, 2014) as well.
Wasim Sajjad made his appearance in the Pro Kabaddi League as well when he captained Patna Pirates in the inaugural season. He was the first-ever foreign player to lead a PKL team as well. Having played two seasons, he was the only notable Pakistani player in the Pro Kabaddi.
Pakistan Kabaddi Federation announced its 12-member men's squad for the 2019 South Asian Games. Regular Nasir Ali got named into the side. However, Wasim Sajjad got axed following his retirement from the sport.