#3 Haryana Steelers - Monu Goyat
Haryana Steelers had an unfortunate season last year. Their trusted defender Surender Nada got injured in the very first match and was unable to play throughout the season.
Even Monu Goyat, despite being the costliest player in the history of PKL, was unable to turn the tables for his team, even after trying hard. They also ended up on the last position on their group table, which was doleful.
Many things went wrong for the team. Players were not able to tune in with each other and did not understand each other's games well. Team unity is extremely crucial for winning.
Haryana's team management retained Kuldeep Singh and Vikash Kandola for the approaching season. Still, we hope that Haryana Steelers will use their Final Bid Match card to bring Monu Goyat back to the new squad.