After completing eight successful legs, the Pro Kabaddi caravan reaches the capital city Delhi. Home side Dabang Delhi will look for a winning start to their home leg as they take on the Anup Kumar led U Mumba. With star all-rounder Meraj Sheykh returning for Delhi and both sets of defenders out of form, you might get confused between today’s top Khel Kabaddi picks.
We are here to help you make a decision. You will also get a chance to collect player cards and double your fantasy points by entering the Khel Kabaddi code, which will be revealed during the live game.
Today's Khel Kabaddi Code is 2008.
Here are our suggested picks for today’s game:
Kashiling Adake
After playing his home games in Delhi for 4 seasons, Kashi is returning to his den as a visitor for the very first time. He is the leading raid point scorer of U Mumba with 80 raid points to his name.
He has scored two Super 10s this season but is yet to score one against his former team. He managed to score seven raid points in their previous meeting and will surely look for a Super 10 tonight. He can be a real game-changer for your Khel Kabaddi team tonight.
Meraj Sheykh
Meraj should be the first-choice all-rounder for your Khel Kabaddi team. The talismanic Iranian is returning from injury and will look to start the home leg with a match-winning performance. Meraj is the leading raid point scorer for Dabang Delhi with 69 raid points to his name.
He scored a brilliant Super 10 (11 raid points) in their previous meeting and 7 raid points in first game against U Mumba this season as a substitute. He will look to give a similar performance tonight.
Surinder Singh
It is a really tough job to pick a defender, when both sides are struggling badly with their defence. Except for Surinder Singh, no defender from both sides managed to impress so far in PKL 5. Surinder is the leading tackle point scorer for U Mumba with 39 tackle points to his name.
He scored 3 tackle points in each of their two encounters with Delhi this season and will look for his 2nd High 5 of this season tonight with a much improved performance this time around.
Other players to watch out for
Anup Kumar – It was a tough call to keep Anup Kumar out of the top 3 picks of the day. Due to defensive duties in hand, he is not raiding quite often these days. He is their leading point scorer with 99 points. You can undoubtedly substitute him with Kashi, if he is in your Khel Kabaddi card collection.
Sunil – He is also Delhi’s leading tackle point scorer with 19 tackle points to his name. Considering U Mumba’s line of attack, Sunil is expected to get so many chances at left-corner. But, he has to grab those chances to give you points as he failed in three out of his four attempted tackles last time around. He can be a bold pick, but don’t take risk until you have him in your card collection.