Apart from the ever-so-consistent Ravinder Pahal, one other Delhi Dabang defender who has been extremely consistent is Tamil Nadu’s GS Manikanta. A versatile defender, he hails from Thoothukudi in Tamilnadu and is known for his dashing style on the mat. An allrounder, he can play in either corner, but has been utilised primarily in a more central role by the team management this season.
As aforementioned, his performances so far in the franchise-based tournament has been exemplary and coach Honnappa C Gowda minced no words when asked to describe the same after their win vs the Patna Pirates last night.
“Manikanta was a rock, he made it almost impossible for their raiders to breach through and return. He was so good in fact that he almost outshone Ravinder today,” admitted the coach.
We ought to remember that this is his first season in Pro Kabaddi and the maturity that he shown is beyond his age and experience. While the 26-year-old had been playing at the Junior and Senior Nationals since 2010, it’s the first time he has been thrust into the limelight in such a magnified way.
He, however, played down the familiarity, or rather the lack of it quickly, “It’s not that I am new to the game. I have played all my life in my village and it’s just a bigger stage that I am playing my trade now. As humbling as it is, I am not the least bit fazed by all the glitter and glamour.”
“As you saw on the court today, I would rather let my play do the talking,” added the benign Dabang.
With 4 more games to go, his team would do well if he can maintain this buoyant approach on court and indeed lets his performances do the talking.