#1 Pardeep Narwal
The most likely contender to the throne, over the past two seasons, Pardeep Narwal and Rahul Chaudhari have been subliminally trading blows with each other. Narwal took season 3 by storm, scoring a massive 116 points, leaving Rahul miles behind.
But Chaudhari isn’t the type to give up his mantle so easily. His reply last time around was nothing short of phenomenal. In a season when Narwal scored an unprecedented 131 points, Rahul went one step ahead and showed who is boss, picking up a mind boggling 146 points.
On the surface, Pardeep may seem like a guy who operates solely on instincts, but his ability to find openings is second to none. Narwal finds susceptible pockets on the mat that nobody in the stadium can spot. If there are two raiders who can hit the 200-point mark, it’s these two.