#4 Iranians prey in pack

Any team that has a strong defence will tell you that the base of that unit lies in a strong partnership between two defenders. Gujarat Fortunegiants lack the firepower in their raiding department but the Iranian reinforcements in their defence are quickly developing a reputation for themselves as a pair. Abozar Mighani and Fazel Atrachali stand on either corners of the mat and if either of them has the faintest of chance of landing a tackle on the raider, the other comes in for support in no time. And more often than not, they get the job done.
On Sunday too, both made life difficult for Jaipur who have struggled with their raiding department in the absence of the injured Selvamani K. The big Abozar Mighani brought down Jaipur raiders with his thigh holds while the smiling assassin Atrachali brought in the important blocks. In all, the two gave the team 8 points with their phenomenal defending.