On Tuesday, Haryana Steelers registered a comfortable victory over Gujarat Fortunegiants in the Pro Kabaddi League. One man, in particular, shined for Haryana – Vikas Kandola. Although he scored only six raid points, Kandola always made sure Gujarat’s defence was pegged on the back foot.
Post the match, Steelers coach, Rambir Singh Khokhar heaped praise on the 19-year-old. Rambir believes Vikas will play a vital role for the Indian kabaddi team in the near future.
“Yes, not only in the league. At the next Asian Games, he will be the best raider when he plays for India. He will be the best Indian kabaddi player,” he said.
Nimble footed, Vikas displayed speed, agility, calmness and everything one usually associates with a stellar raider. The coach explained why opposition defenders will find it arduous to stop him in season 5.
“His footwork and speed are unmatchable. He doesn’t get disturbed when he makes a mistake, that is his biggest asset. If he makes a mistake, he makes sure not to commit it again. He may be small but he has a big heart. He is not scared of anyone,” the coach opined. “I was 100% sure Vikas will perform. He has played a lot of tournaments and was the best Indian junior kabaddi player. At competitions in Sonepat, he’s performed really well. Before getting him into the team, I’ve seen him play around 50 games.”
Vikas a man of few words thanked his coach and captain for instilling confidence in him. Haryana captain, Surender Nada used him as the primary raider and Kandola is delighted with his role in this solid side.
“The coach asked me to play coolly, even when I got tackled he told me to be calm. Surender Nada helped me a lot too, so there was no pressure on me at any time. I think that’s why I played well,” Vikas said.
The coach was relieved that Haryana managed to register a win following their loss against U Mumba and draw against Gujarat in the second game. He believes the team now has the right amount of confidence to move ahead with intent.
“We needed this win, our main target was U Mumba and Gujarat. We always believed we would eventually come out on top. Vikas, Surender and the entire team played really well. Now going forward, we will have a different strategy,” he said.
Rambir also provided an update on Surender Nada. The captain was kicked in the face by Iranian, Fazel Atrachali in the dying minutes of the match. Nada didn’t take it lightly and was extremely annoyed with Fazel’s approach.
“Surender is not injured. Fazel kicked him in the last leg. This is natural, he will be okay because we have some time to rest now,” the coach signed off.