Mumbai is all set to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi this week and Shabeer Bapu was understandably in a festive mood. Marking his return to full fitness after nearly a year, U Mumba's star raider has made up for lost time with some impeccable performances in recent times.
While Patna's Pardeep Narwal is widely hailed as the dubki king, not many realize that it was, in fact, Shabeer who was the first to introduce this move to the Pro Kabaddi League.
Ahead of their crunch home leg fixtures, Shabeer spoke exclusively to Sportskeeda and said he didn't receive due credit for introducing the dubki to the league.
"It's not just this season, I used to always do the dubki, it was always my skill. But because of some injuries in between, I wasn't trying it as much, since it's difficult to do it on the mat," he stated.
According to Shabeer, he was the first player in the league to attempt the defense splitting move. In season 5, we've seen him attempt the dubki quite a few times and he's come out unscathed on more than one occasion.
"I was the one who started the dubki, it's been five seasons now. Every raider is now known for a specific move, I think that's why the defenders have become successful these days. Even before I attempt the dubki, they tackle me and get success. It's all about timing," he explained.
Asked about Pardeep's dubki, Shabeer openly expressed his admiration towards the 20-year-old. Not a single defender has managed to keep the Patna Pirates captain under check this season and Bapu wishes he could execute the move as well as Pardeep.
"I am very impressed by Pardeep. Whatever skill he possesses, he executes it well. He is a new kid and playing very well. I sometimes wonder why I can't do the dubki in the same way ?" he said.
There are only a handful of players in the league who even try to attempt this move - Pardeep and Shabeer being two the protagonists apart from Bengaluru Bulls captain, Rohit Kumar.
The U Mumba raider then explained the difference between his and Pardeep's dubki.
"See the dubki is all about timing. Not everyone who tries it will be successful. Pardeep's dubki is slightly different than mine. He goes below then rises up and escapes, I stay low during the entire move," he explained.
U Mumba will begin their home leg against Jaipur Pink Panthers on 25th August at the NSCI stadium in Worli, Mumbai.