#1 Sandeep Kumar Dhull - Jaipur Pink Panthers

Jaipur Pink Panthers' left corner position was occupied by young Sandeep Kumar Dhull and he made the position his own during the six matches played by the home side in Panchkula.
In the first two matches against the Puneri Paltan and U Mumba, Dhull played a supportive role to the cover defenders and picked up a couple of tackle points in both the games. He bettered his performances in the following two matches when he picked up three and four tackle points against the Gujarat Fortunegiants and Haryana Steelers respectively. He was effective with his ankle holds on the left corner, and also executed short blocks blindsiding the raiders.
His best performances in the home leg came about in the final two matches when he scored six tackle points against the Gujarat Fortunegiants and Dabang Delhi KC. He was on song with his tackle attempts and rarely made any mistakes.
After his impressive home leg performances, he moved into the top five scoring defenders in the league with 63 tackle points from 21 matches.
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