#4 Hit - Jaideep's fearless defending

Left corner defender Jaideep has enjoyed a good season thus far and presented his usual form all through the Patna leg as his fearless defending fetched him a host of points, 23 points from six matches, with an average of 3.833 points per match in a decent showing.
With the coach opting to shuffle the defenders with only Vikas Kale and Jaideep constantly featuring in the starting seven, the onus was on Jaideep to lead the charge and he did show up.
In alliance with Vikas Kale, Jaideep kept the opposition raiders in check with an attacking approach that served him and the team well. However, with the other defenders failing to make a mark, Jaideep was forced to take up a vast majority of tackling on his own shoulders which he did in the end, scoring close to half of the tackle points.