Dabang Delhi Kabaddi Club have announced Krishan Kumar Hooda as their new coach for the upcoming Pro Kabaddi League Season 6. Looking ahead of the players’ auction that is scheduled to happen on 30th and 31st May, 2018, Krishan Hooda’s addition to Dabang Delhi KC serves as a befitting welcome present for all new players who will join the team, looking for expert guidance and mentorship.
Hailing from Rohtak, Krishan Hooda has a meritorious coaching profile attached to his name. In his 32-year long relationship with Kabaddi, Hooda has coached the Haryana State team, and the Haryana Police Kabaddi Team towards many notable victories in important events. He has also served as Chief Coach of the Indian Kabaddi Team, during the course of which the team won the SAF games and Asian Championships on multiple occasions.
His resolute approach towards the sport allowed him to train the likes of Dhyan Chand Awardee Shamsher Singh, and Arjuna Awardee Ramesh Kumar. Under his expert guidance, the Haryana Kabaddi team won gold in the 50th and 51st Senior National Kabaddi Championships, back-to-back, in the years 2001 and 2002. Proud owner of this laudable track record, Hooda is expected to drive Dabang Delhi KC’s fiery zeal towards success.
Acknowledging the appointment of Krishan Hooda as the new coach, Saumya Khaitan, CEO of Dabang Delhi KC stated, “It is important to channel our team’s energy and grit towards the right direction. Krishan Kumar Hooda has a proven track record of successfully coaching several teams, and individual athletes, across national and international realms of the sport. His diverse and rich coaching experience will play a crucial role in creating a powerful strategy for the upcoming season.”
Speaking on the occasion, Krishan Kumar Hooda said, “I am thrilled to be part of Dabang Delhi KC and positively look forward to using my abilities to shape powerful strategies, this Pro Kabaddi season.”
Krishan Hooda’s dynamism and experience resonate well with Dabang Delhi KC’s strapping demeanor renewed focus on performance and success. Supporting staff will include Master Warrant Officer Rambir Singh, who will serve as Assistant Coach for Dabang Delhi KC. Following the players’ auction, it will be interesting to see how Hooda’s experience will build the team’s presence in Pro Kabaddi League – Season 6.