The Pro Kabaddi League was second in the list of the most searched sporting events in India as per Google's 'Year in Search 2019' report. The ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 was the most searched event, followed by PKL, Wimbledon, Copa America, Australian Open, French Open, Super Bowl, The Ashes and the US Open. The ongoing Indian Super League (ISL) stood 10th in Google's list.
Kabaddi has gained immense popularity as the second-most-watched sport in India after cricket. Ever since the Pro Kabaddi League (PKL) got introduced in 2014, it has transfigured into a popular platform for many Kabaddi players to showcase their skills and make a name for themselves in the sport.
Pro Kabaddi 2019 gathered 1.2 billion impressions with a decent growth of 9% in viewership, as stated by the report of BARC India. It saw a substantial increase this year since the sixth edition had witnessed a dip of 31% viewership data to 1.1 billion impressions from a hefty 1.6 billion impressions back in Season 5.
The seventh season of Pro Kabaddi League kicked off on 20th July and concluded on 19th October this year. Bengal Warriors defeated Dabang Delhi K.C. by a 39-34 margin in the summit clash to win their first-ever PKL title in the competition's history. The former etched their names in the record books after remaining sidelined for the past six seasons.
As the sport has gained immensely from the Pro Kabaddi League and other national/international events, the upcoming year for Kabaddi promises to be much more exhilarating with a lot of new faces set to depict their talent in the days to come.