The first leg of Pro Kabaddi Season 4 2016, which is set to begin on June 25th, is going to be shifted to Mumbai from its original venue Pune. India’s premier kabaddi competition, which will be held twice in a year for the first time since its inception in 2014, was set to commence in a week’s time with the Puneri Paltan taking on Telugu Titans in the tournament opener. However, sources claim that due to some logistical issues arising from a Prime Minister Narendra Modi rally, the leg will be moved to Mumbai.
Also read: Star Sports Pro Kabaddi League 2016 (Season 4) : Full List of New Team Squads of PKL 16
Sources close to Sportskeeda said that dates of the opening leg of Pro Kabaddi Season 4 2016 were co-inciding with the Prime Minister’s rally, thereby raising logistical issues. Keeping this in mind, organisers have decided to shift the venue to Mumbai, which was originally scheduled to host the penultimate leg of the tournament in the second half of July. The tournament is played in a “caravan system,” which sees all teams travel to eight cities over a period of a month and a few days.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be in Pune on June 25th to attend an event that marks the inaugural anniversary of the “Smart City Mission.” Not surprisingly, security arragements in the city are going to be quite tight and this could be the reason why organisers have decided to not hold the opening leg of the event in the Maharashtrian city. Though an official confirmation is yet to come from Star Sports, the venue of the leg is likely to be shifted.
“The opening leg is going to be moved to Pune from Mumbai due to some logistical issues. Changes were made at the last moment and the tournament is going to start in Mumbai,” the source said while talking to Sportskeeda. Pro Kabaddi League has moved from strength to strength ever since its first edition was held in 2014, becoming one of India’s most watched sports competitions. It has also given an ancient sport like kabaddi the perfect platform for players to showcase their talents on a global platform.
A lot has been happening in the build up to the tournament and the fourth edition looks set to be a huge success. Several players have changed teams due to the auction that took place in the month of May. Almost a hundred players were purchased by teams with Mohit Chhillar turning out to be the most expensive player when he was signed by the Bengaluru Bulls for a whopping Rs. 53 lakh.