Kabaddi event kick-started on the fourth day in the ongoing South Asian Games 2019. The inaugural day of the event witnessed some breath-taking matches that took place in the APF Hallchowk, Kathmandu. Indian women's Kabaddi team opened their account with a one-sided victory, while Sri Lankan men's team clinched a surprise win over Pakistan for the first time in South Asian Games.
India squared off against Sri Lanka in the opening match of the women's category of the inaugural day. The reigning gold medalists extended a massive lead right from the start, as the Sri Lankan team trailed by 18 points in the first half with the half-time score 25-7. India gave no chances to the opposition for a comeback, as the Priyanka-led Indian team went on to win the match by (53-14).
The hosts Nepal locked horns against Bangladesh in the second women's match of the morning session. Both teams fought neck to neck till the first half, but Nepal managed to capitalize on the lead in the second half. With experienced campaigners in Manmahat Bista and Menuka Rajbanshi, Nepal outplayed the silver medalists of 2016 Bangladesh by (36-25).
Sri Lanka clinched a shocking victory over Pakistan in the men's category. The reigning silver-medalists of 2016, Pakistan's offence had no answers against a rock-solid Sri Lankan defence. Sri Lanka led by 9-19 after half-time, while Pakistan tried to make a comeback by inflicting an all-out upon Sri Lanka in the final four minutes. They trailed by 2 points in the ending stages, but Sri Lanka's kept their nerve to upset Pakistan (27-29).
The hosts Nepal got thrashed in front of their home crowd by Bangladesh in the final encounter of the day. Masud Karim, who has represented UP Yoddha in the Pro Kabaddi League in the last two seasons, led the Bangladesh team to an impressive (15-43) victory over Nepal.
Here is the summary of day 1 of the Kabaddi event in the 2019 South Asian Games.
Morning Session:
Match 1: India defeated Sri Lanka 53-14 (Women's)
Match 2: Nepal defeated Bangladesh 36-25 (Women's)
Evening Session:
Match 3: Sri Lanka defeated Pakistan 27-29 (Men's)
Match 4: Bangladesh defeated Nepal 15-43 (Men's)