Guman Singh made history at the Pro Kabaddi 2022 Auction by becoming the first player from Category 'B' to earn a contract of more than ₹1 crore. Season two winners U Mumba splurged ₹1.23 crore to acquire the services of the former Patna Pirates star.
Singh has played 23 matches in his PKL career, scoring 102 points. He has never led a raid attack in PKL before, but he is U Mumba's most senior raider in Pro Kabaddi 2022. Speaking on Sportskeeda's Kabaddi Hangout ahead of PKL 9, Guman said:
"I have been bought for such a price. So, yes, there is some pressure of the price tag, but I also have the confidence that we all will do well together."
Sharing his experience of training with the U Mumba coaching staff so far, Guman added:
"Coach sir is helping me practice well. We are working on some mistakes which I made during the last season."
U Mumba head coach Anil Chaprana explains why the team signed young players for Pro Kabaddi 2022
After the Pro Kabaddi 2022 Auction ended, many fans felt that U Mumba could not execute their plans to perfection. They seem to have a comparatively weaker squad than the one they had last season.
Explaining the thought process behind forming a young squad, U Mumba head coach Anil Chaprana said on Sportskeeda's Kabaddi Hangout:
"Last season, we saw that in the U Mumba team, there were three to four young players like Rinku, Rahul and Shivam who performed well. We observed other teams like Puneri Paltan and Bengaluru Bulls, and for those teams also, the youngsters did really well."
"Even in the national tournament and junior competitions, there are some young talents. We have a long-term vision as well. So, these are the reasons why we opted for a younger team," he added.
Pro Kabaddi 2022 will be the first time Anil will play a head coach's role in PKL. When asked about the challenges he has faced so far, Anil replied:
"Yes, there are challenges, and the responsibility of being the head coach is quite big as well. Slowly, we will face every challenge step by step. We will try our best that U Mumba team performs well."
U Mumba will start their new season against defending champions Dabang Delhi KC on October 7. It will be interesting to see if they can get off to a winning start.