Lakhwinder Singh and Varinder Singh, two Kabaddi players, were shot in Moga by Punjab Police constable Paramdeep Singh. The cop fired 6 shots at the Kabaddi players in Moga last night. Both of them were severely wounded and the Police have lodged a FIR against the constable who is absconding. It was learnt that the guilty had recently developed a relation with Lakhwinder’s sister-in-law and wanted to settle down with her. With such major injuries, Varinder is hoping for a miracle to become fit to participate in the up-coming Kabaddi League in Canada.
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As per the reports of the Indianexpress the two Kabaddi players were good friends. Lakhwinder said, “He used to play kabaddi earlier and we met at tournaments. Recently, he developed an illicit relationship with my sister-in-law. I had objected to it and politely spoke to him about it several times. My sister-in-law lives in Canada, and Paramdeep wanted to settle with her abroad. Wednesday, I and Varinder left for Lande from village Dosanjh. On the way he intercepted our vehicle. After that, all I heard was continuous firing”
Meanwhile, Varinder Singh, who suffered 3 bullets in his chest, confessed that Lakhwinder’s sister-in-law had given 20 lakh rupees to Paramdeep Singh to “eliminate” them. “Paramdeep had earlier threatened us to implicate in a false drug smuggling case,” “I have no idea if we would be able to play kabaddi matches again. I had plans to play in the league matches in Canada. Now with bullet injuries near spinal cord, I am only hoping for a miracle” said Varinder, the Kabaddi Pro.
Doctors said that they are out of danger. Lakhwinder Singh was a part of Punjab Thunders last year in the World Kabaddi League, while Varinder has participated in numerous National level competitions.
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The SSP of Moga Mr.HS Pannu has identified the weapon of attack as a 0.32 bore revolver. It was stated that the weapon is a private one. Pannu said, “It was his private weapon. Constables on duty are not generally given weapons by the department unless they are on escort guard duty,”
The SSP also stated that a FIR against Paramdeep was filed under Section 307 (Attempt to murder) and an Arms Act has also been registered at Samalsar Police station against him.