Uttar Pradesh has announced a star-studded 12-member line-up for the 67th Senior National Kabaddi Championship. The mega-event has already commenced at Jaipur's Poornima University in Rajasthan and will run till 6th March 2020.
Star-raider Rahul Chaudhari has been appointed the skipper of Uttar Pradesh, who won the Senior Nationals back in 2016. Uttar Pradesh has named a strong squad this year, comprising a lot of Pro Kabaddi players, and the team looks well-balanced in both raiding and defensive departments.
Rohit Baliyan, Abhishek Singh, Gulveer Singh, and Azad Singh will serve as the support raiders for Rahul Chaudhari in the squad. With the right amount of experience in the raiding department, Uttar Pradesh will bank on these raiders along with Rahul Chaudhari, who could lead the attack for the side as the frontline raider.
Meanwhile, veteran Shrikant Tewatia has returned to his state team to aid the corner defense and lead the tackles upfront. Harendra Kumar will form a key cover combination with Ashu Singh in the left-right positions, while Mohit Baliyan will be aiming to provide much-needed balance to the squad this year.
Shiva, Aniruddha Pandey, and Rahul Nain have been included as substitutes and will look to make their mark when opportunities present themselves.
Here is the Uttar Pradesh men's squad for the 67th Senior National Kabaddi Championship.
Also Check Out : 67th Senior National Kabaddi Championship 2020 Schedule
U.P. Men's Team:
Rahul Chaudhari (C), Rohit Baliyan, Shrikant Tewatia, Abhishek Singh, Mohit Baliyan, Harendra Kumar, Ashu Singh, Azad Singh, Gulveer Singh, Shiva, Aniruddha Pandey, and Rahul Nain
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