The Chennai Quick Guns took to the mat to face off against the Telugu Yoddhas in the second match on the opening day of the Ultimate Kho Kho (UKK) in Pune on Sunday. What followed was a tale of two innings, as the Yoddhas dominated in the first one and did enough to secure a comfortable 48-38 win.
The Chennai Quick Guns won the coin toss, opting to defend first. Their run-out in the middle wasn't anything special, with the Yoddhas tagging 10 of their defenders to take a 25-0 lead at the end of Turn 1.
The Chennai defenders put up a good fight for most of the turn, with their second batch not conceding a single point in the Powerplay. However, a late collapse allowed the Yoddhas to score lots of points and gave them the momentum ahead of their defensive turn and that's where they excelled.
Chennai's attack struggled to score any points at all, with the Yoddhas' first batch earning them two defensive points right off the bat. Deepak Madhav was the pick of the Telugu defense as he toyed with the Chennai attackers, earning his side another two points before being tagged.
At the end of the first innings, the scoreline read 15-29 against the Chennai Quick Guns, clearly highlighting the shortcomings in their attack.
Better second half from Chennai not enough to avoid defeat
Once again, the Chennai defenders gave a good account of themselves in the second innings, with Narasayya, in particular, impressing. They lost only eight players in Turn 3, trailing 17-48 ahead of their attacking turn.
While the Chennai attackers tried and fared better than in the first innings, it wasn't enough as the Yoddhas secured the win. Deepak Madhav frustrated the Quick Guns attack once again, with another solid run-out on the mat.
Chennai will feature again on Monday, in Match 4, while the Yoddhas will play on Tuesday, in Match 5.