On January 8, 2024, Hera launched its new Rouge Classy lipstick in an exclusive Seoul Red shade, featuring BLACKPINK Jennie as the face of the product. While introducing Jennie as the face of their newly launched product, Hera stated:
"A sophisticated twist on elegance, with a sleek touch of sensation by @jennierubyjane. We introduce you to Hera’s new campaign alongside @jennierubyjane who represents extraordinary value with her presence."
Both Hera Beauty and Jennie shared the pictures from the campaign where the K-pop artist is posing with the new lipstick Rouge Classy in Seoul Red shade. Her global fanbase is excited to see her in the campaign and is praising her new visuals.
"It’s a crime to look this BEAUTIFUL": Fans are obsessed with the new look of BLACKPINK Jennie for Hera
Since 2019, BLACKPINK Jennie has been associated with the Korean beauty brand Hera as their global ambassador.
In 2021, Hera expanded its beauty products in the US market, featuring Jennie as the brand's face. Like this, the K-pop idol has helped the brand in many campaigns with her huge popularity in the international market.
She has also been featured in the campaign for Hera's new product in 2024, Rouge Classy Seoul Red. In the campaign, Jennie posed with the new products as well as shared how nicely this new Hera product suits and compliments her personality.
"Seoul Red" is by Jayden Cho, a couture fashion designer located in Seoul who adheres to Hera's philosophy of beauty.
In the campaign photos, BLACKPINK Jennie can be seen wearing an off-shoulder black dress with bold red lips and black heels. Fans are mesmerized by her new looks. People are saying that she is the definition of beauty, and this Seoul red is just the perfect color for her.
According to the fans, she looks like a dream and is the prettiest girl they have ever seen on the cover. Here are some of the praising fans' comments from the Instagram posts by Jennie and Hera.
Released on January 8, 2024, Hera Rouge Classy lipstick in 301 Seoul Red shade is currently available for purchase via the official website of the brand (only via the Korean website for now). Its price tag is 50,000 won, which is around $37.88.
Currently, BLACKPINK Jennie is preparing to release her first solo EP and debut full-length solo album in 2024. For more details, stay tuned!