The upcoming K-drama, Death's Game, had its press conference on December 13, 2023. Along with the K-drama's director, Ha Byung-hoon, the press conference also saw actors Park So-dam, Seo In-guk, Kim Ji-hoon, Sung Hoon, Chog Si-won, Kim Kang-hoon, Go Youn-jung, Kim Jae-wook, Jang Seung-jo, Lee Jae-wook, and Kim Mi-kyung in attendance.
All the attendees looked dapper in their outfits, earning them much praise on social media, where netizens also shared their excitement for the drama:
During the press conference, Seo In-guk, who portrays the lead character Choi Yi-jae, talked about his role in the Kdrama. As per Zapzee, he noted:
“Portraying any character always comes with its own set of challenges. Many other actors have also given excellent performances as Choi Yi-jae in this work. Being the first to embody the character, I can imagine it might have been challenging for them to find their expression while keeping the character consistent."
He further added:
“Moreover, as I had to narrate over their performances due to multiple people playing one character, I had discussions with the director about capturing the essence of Choi Yi-jae.”
Fans can't stop gushing over the Death’s Game cast at the press conference
The cast of Death's Game mostly wore outfits in darker shades to amplify the theme of the K-drama. Kim Jae Wook wore a sleek black blazer, with a side lock casually framing his face. Go Youn-jung styled a black knitted outfit elegantly with subtle makeup.
Seo In-guk flaunted a navy blue trench coat over a white shirt and tie while pairing it with baggy pants of the same colour. Park So-dam wore a baggy coat over her black mini drape-dress.
During the conference, So-Dam reflected on her work for Death’s Game:
“Honestly, there were tough times. Those who’ve been through similar pain will get it. Even when things seem okay emotionally and physically, there can be sudden ups and downs.” she said.
Recalling how she was offered the role, she noted:
“When I got offered this project, it was during a time when I temporarily lost my voice due to surgery. The director said, ‘If you have enough time, you can do it. This project will help you heal.’ It really gave me the courage.”
Park So-dam was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer and had surgery for the same in December 2021. She has since recovered.
Needless to say fans are going gaga over the cast’s pictures from the press conference and cannot wait to watch them in action in Death’s Game.
Death's Game is expected to premiere on December 15, 2023.