On Sunday, February 11, Thai actor Win Metawin’s look turned heads during the Tommy Hilfiger show at the Oyster Bar in Grand Central for New York Fashion Week 2024. Even before the show began, Tommy Hilfiger had already shared glimpses of celebrities in attendance. They posted photos of Kelly Rutherford, Shay Mitchell, Twice’s Nayeon, and Win Metawin on the show via their official Instagram. The Thai actor has also shared a picture of him posing as he arrived for the show.
As various media outlets like Harper’s Bazaar circulated snapshots from the event, Metawin’s pictures went viral online. Many fans also shared the Thai actor’s moments from the show on social media platforms.
Win Metawin’s look and visuals have positively gained approval from fans. Metawin attended the event donning a crisp all-white ensemble, which was a complete hit, and fans praised the actor, saying that Win Metawin is “always gorgeous.”
“Impressive as always”: Fans are obsessed with Win Metawin’s look for Tommy Hilfiger NYFW 2024
Metawin Opas-iamkajorn, popularly known as Win, is one of the most popular Thai actors of his generation since his acting debut in the TV series 2gether in 2020. Prior to that, Metawin began his career as a singer with his debut single, Love is Over, in 2017.
He’s also a sought-after name in the fashion scene. Metawin has successfully launched VELENCE, his very own fashion line, in 2020. And on a global scale, he’s been named as a global house ambassador for Prada in January 2023.
While it’s not the actor’s first Fashion Week appearance, his entrance during the Tommy Hilfiger 2024 New York Fashion Week show excited many of his fans. Metawin sported an all-white ensemble, which included tailored pants and a polo paired with a white trench coat. He opted to keep it simple, pairing his all-white look with shiny, plain black leather shoes and a couple of rings on one hand.
Fans were impressed by his clean, minimalist outfit for the event. Some commented that Win Metawin looked “so handsome” and “immaculate.” Others shared their praises for the actor’s outfit.
Win Metawin’s look in an all-white outfit is the complete opposite of the Thai actor’s all-black ensemble during the Prada Milan Fashion Week 2024 he attended on January 14.
Win was in attendance at the Tommy Hilfiger NYFW show with fellow Thai stars Phuwin Tangsakyuen and Pond Naravit. The Thai actor was also seated next to South Korean actor and singer Lee Junho during the show.
Tommy Hilfiger’s Fall 2024 line features a collection that began as a love letter to New York per, their Instagram post. The runway looks are a blend of New England and New York, reinterpreted for modern times with a Tommy twist.
Read more: Twice’s Nayeon’s look for the Tommy Hilfiger 2024 NYFW show