Shikhar Dhawan, who played for the Delhi Daredevils in the inaugural edition of the IPL, will return to the franchise after 11 years. A swap deal will see him move to Delhi, while Shahbaz Nadeem, Vijay Shankar and Abhishek Sharma will switch to the Sunrisers Hyderabad. Dhawan leads the run-charts for the Sunrisers, having amassed 2768 runs overall, 497 of which came in the 2018 IPL.
12:57 (IST)31 OCT 2018
RCB's third highest run-getter last season, middle-order batsman Mandeep Singh, will move to Kings XI Punjab, switching places with all-rounder Marcus Stoinis. The Punjab franchise had used the RTM card on Stoinis in the 2018 auctions, but the Australian flattered to deceive this season.
________________________________________________________________ The first trade of IPL 2019 was made with Quinton de Kock's all-money move from Royal Challengers Bangalore to Mumbai Indians. Bought by RCB for Rs. 2.8 crores in the 2018 auctions, de Kock's move to the Mumbai franchise meant that the team had to release two players - the ones to go where Mustafizur Rahman and Akila Dananjaya.
De Kock has previously played for the Delhi Daredevils as well.
12:37 (IST)31 OCT 2018
It's just about November, but IPL discussions have started to heat up already, owing to the early start of the tournament next year. The auctions will be held in mid-December, but the transfer window is open, and will stay in action till November 15.
12:35 (IST)31 OCT 2018
It's IPL time again! Welcome to Sportskeeda's player transfer center for the 2019 IPL auctions.
Shikhar Dhawan, who played for the Delhi Daredevils in the inaugural edition of the IPL, will return to the franchise after 11 years. A swap deal will see him move to Delhi, while Shahbaz Nadeem, Vijay Shankar and Abhishek Sharma will switch to the Sunrisers Hyderabad. Dhawan leads the run-charts for the Sunrisers, having amassed 2768 runs overall, 497 of which came in the 2018 IPL.